What is Zinc Sulfide ZnS?

Zinc Sulfide ZnS Pulver

Zinc sulfide

Inorganic compound having the chemical formula ZnS. Powder can be either white or yellowish, or any combination thereof. It darkens in sunlight. Although it can be stored dry, zinc sulfate may slowly oxidize if kept in moist conditions. This is typically formed from the reaction of hydrogen sulfide, zinc salt solution. The fluorescence performance of zinc sulfuride is high and it has excellent electroluminescence capabilities. Particularly:

nano zinc sulfide

The photoelectric effect is remarkable.

Zinc Sulfide ZnS Pulver

The covalent ZnS zinc sulfide chemical bond is quite common. It is possible to obtain three kinds of crystal: the low-temperature (sphalerite), which is the most widespread. A colorless cubic crystal with Zn, S and 4 coordination numbers; relative density 4.10. It will be converted to high temperature crystal at 1020. It is high-temperature Zinc Sulfide Stabilization Structure. It is also the sodium-chloride structural Zn or S number. The relative density is 5.21. It also has a white ZnS*H2O compound with an 11.98 relative density. Zinc sulfuride has a low soluble and high soluble content in water. Zinc sulfuride can be also insoluble and insoluble if acetic acid has been used. Hydrochloric acids, which can dissolve it at low levels, will also release hydrogen sulfide. Because zinc sulfide has the same solubility as hydrosulphuric it can also be found in dilute acids.


Hydrogen sulfide can not precipitate zinc in highly acidic solution of zinc sodium. It is possible to precipitate zinc sulfide if hydrogen sulfuride gases are mixed with zinc salt solution. But, the precipitation might not be complete. Ammonium Sulfide Solution may be used to precipitate zinc from the zinc salt solution. Ammonium-sulfide can lower acidity due to its alkaline properties. This technique is useful for isolating the air in industrial settings. Exposure to sunlight causes white zinc sulfuride to turn dark. This can then be easily converted into zinc oxide. White paint pigments can be made by combining zinc oxide and zinc sulfide. Pure zinc sulfide does not emit light. To activate zinc sulfide crystals, you can add trace manganese and copper to make it more active. When irradiated, the crystals of zinc sulfide will show different colors. The use of zinc sulfuride can be found in many industries, including dye, leather and rubber as well as enamel.

Zinc sulfide

It can be both corrosive and poisonous. It may cause skin irritation. Protective gear is strongly recommended for operators. In the workshop, ventilation is crucial.

Zinc Sulfide ZnS Powder Properties
Additional Names ZnS powder, zinc sulphide
CAS No. 1314-98-3
Formula compound ZnS
Molecular Weight 97.45
Appearance Powders in various colors from white to off-white
Melting Point 1830degC
Boiling Point N/A
Density 4.1g/cm3
H2O Solubility It is impossible to solve
The exact Mass N/A
Zinc sulfide ZnS pulp CAS1314-98-3

Preparation for Zinc Sulfide ZnS Pulver

Double decomposition method

To make double-decomposition, add the zinc sulfate solution. Stir. There will be zinc sulfide (ammonium), and sulfur sulfate. You will need to filter out ammonium and clean it up. Next, centrifugal separation can be used to create zinc sulfide.


Zinc Sulfide ZnS Application to Pulver

1. This can also be used as an analytical reagent, as well as in phosphor matrix or photoconductor materials.

2. Fairings and infrared windows use zinc sulfuride extensively. The metal is very pure, easily soluble in water and has low density. Zinc-sulfuride is consistent and uniform in its refractive values. While it transmits well in the 8-12mm range, some absorb after 10um. Higher transmittance, and lower absorption at the middle end of the spectrum is possible due to the longer wavelength. Zinc Selenide has a strong resistance to environmental extremes. Zinc Selenide has a high level of hardness, and is twice as strong in fracture resistance.

To use zinc sulfide’s thermal image system, you will need infrared bands or windows (between 8 and 13mm), as well as tough front optics

It is possible to find single crystals zinc sulfide, however it is not very common. Scattering levels for the typical spectrum are low. You can use this laser to create high-power beams. The laser must not absorb bulky material and cause defects. The best coating and polishing technologies should be used.

Zinc sulfuride may oxidize up to 300 degrees Celsius and show some plastic deformation. It can also separate at around 700. Normal ambient temperature should be between 250 and 250 degrees Celsius for zinc sulfide windows.

3. This is used for creating an optical coating target, and an XXray screen.

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Zinc sulfide Powder

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