Silver II Oxide

silver ii oxide is a thermally stable silver source suitable for glass, optic and ceramic applications. It can be produced by electroplating or sputtering and has been demonstrated to display superior performance in a number of laboratory tests including X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy and thermogravimetric analysis.

It is not without its detractors: high concentrations of silver ions are prone to ionic corrosion and it can be a challenging material to work with in small quantities. It is also relatively difficult to store, transport and handle.

The most obvious use is as a catalyst for the conversion of oxygen to hydrogen and oxygen to sulfur which can be useful in the creation of fuel cells. It is also a reagent for many chemistry experiments. The most significant applications are confined to small quantities in the laboratory or in specialized applications such as the design of a solar cell or a regenerative battery. A few commercial products are currently available. The best way to find out what we have in stock is to give us a call.